bdh">Italiano bdh">Inglese bdh">Francese bdh">Tedesco bdh">Spagnolo bdh">Portoghese bdh">Russo bdh">Cinese bdh">Arabo bdh">Giapponese

Customize your bike!

  • Who we are provides, with a free service, the use of an e-commerce platform for the resale of Custom Graphics, crystall stickers, stickers and preprinted tables, trim kit and conveyors for motocross, supermoto, quad, kart and enduro.

    We turn to lovers of motocross, but above all to companies that works in this field and which deal with the sales and service of motorcycles, motocross, scooters and quads, resales of helmets, accessories, spare parts and clothing. Thanks to a database of more than 100,000 products, including graphics, gallery, plastic kits and clothing for motorcyclists, you will have a tool of secure success in selling online. The e-commerce site, already loaded with all products, is completely customizable by the Partner in texts, colors and company logos.

    To became partner of, It need to make a request for membership by filling with your data the fields on the form of the section Contacts. Our staff, after a little investigation will deliver the certification of partner by providing you a website up and ready for sale.

  • Offer




    The database of the products on your e-commerce web site is always in evolution. Thanks to a large and competent staff, we are able to update in real time all the models of motorcycles prepared for our graphics.

    MX-Config provides big earnings for our partners who will engage in sales. The percentages of earnings are progressive in relation to the sales made. Our staff will evaluate the work of Partners in a year, being able to revoke the license or increasing its earnings in relation to the effort expended.

    In any case, our partners will enjoy of a continuous support in both sales and management of e-commerce site; we guarantee the maximum professionalism, a high yield of prints and quick deliveries.

  • Reserved Area

    Enter your username and password to login in your personal area.

    With a few steps, you can configure your e-commerce site to make it ready for sale online.

  • Contacts

    • +39 333-8877157
    • TVA: 01771480850

    Membership request